Palimpsest: 1 Pandemic, 4 Countries, 7 Artists, 49 Layers
An epic art project showing the connectedness of seven international artists and their collaborative pieces
What: Palimpsest (meaning: something such as a work of art that has many levels of meaning, types of style, etc. that build on each other)
Who: Artists Cheryl Willcox, Julie Brayton, Lara Spadetto, Rose L. Williams, Ross C Berman, Stephanie McLean and Denise Buisman Pilger
Why: To discover whether the artists’ styles complement one another’s to the same extent as do their personalities.
When: April 2023
Where: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada (to be confirmed)
→ View our promotional video on our website.
Media regional contacts (closest major urban centers):
Cheryl Willcox (Sydney, Australia)
+61 2 413943255
Denise Buisman Pilger (Montreal, Quebec)
+1 (514) 431-4613
Stephanie McLean (Toronto, Ontario)
+1 (416) 708-5861
Rose L. Williams
(Vancouver, British Columbia)
+1 (604) 255-0016
Lara Spadetto (London, England)
+ 44 (0) 7858997256
Ross C. Berman (Los Angeles, CA)
+1 (310) 497-371
Julie Brayton (Providence, RI)
+1 (401) 248-3379
Cheryl Willcox: “The events of the last few years have curtailed our freedom and pulled into question what we take for granted and what is normal. More than ever we need to support and to connect to each other. Our newly formed IAA is doing just that.”
Julie Brayton: “I feel art brings people together on many levels. First, here for the artists but then on a larger scale we bring together a community of connection to others who feel comforted by our work or relate in some other way. In times like ours it is very important.”
Lara Spadetto: “The past two years have been, in a word, transformative.
2020 was like living in a bubble. Everything was suspended, there was no time.
If I try to go back by remembering that period, it is difficult for me to isolate particular moments.
But it was like the calm before the storm.
In 2021 my life took a shake, some parameters I had turned upside down and I found myself facing the unknown.
In this perfect storm I met a group of friends, of great artistic and human value, who helped me to get up, holding my hand, perhaps unconsciously, and accompanied along this journey, distant but always present.
They helped me keep the flame of my art burning, which was flickering in the face of the gusts of uncertainty.”
Rose L. Williams: “The Pandemic began and it felt as if all my creative efforts of the last several years had been wasted. Connecting through our shared personal and artistic challenges in the group has been a source of inspiration and a demonstration of the powerful healing that engaging in creative activity together can generate.”
Ross C Berman: “Isolation has been an enduring quality of the Pandemic. I've been so fortunate to have befriended this international group of compassionate artists whom I would not have otherwise met. Despite our varied backgrounds and the focus of our work, one of the gifts of this time has been seeing how we’re all much more similar than we are different.”
Stephanie McLean: “We were in a six-week online course together. When the course ended, my heart was aching and I thought, ‘I have to keep in touch and work with these amazing people again. We have to do a group show!’ I asked and everyone was in!” :-)
Denise Buisman Pilger: “The pandemic made it impossible to go out and build a new community after my move from Japan to a new town in Canada. I felt extremely isolated and for the first time, had a very difficult time adjusting. Meeting this group and working together with them has brought a sense of community and purpose back into my life and made me feel more like myself again.
Organization’s background
The International Art Alliance (IAA) was formed in April 2021. Its founding members are the stakeholders and participants in this venture. From disparate artistic backgrounds, this project is somewhat of an experiment to ascertain whether their styles are as compatible as their personalities. The resulting seven large collaborative pieces will be a testament to this and will be displayed in a Vancouver, BC (Canada) gallery in
spring 2023.