#65 - How do we know when our artwork is done?

"My painting is done, it's finished, ready to leave my studio and be seen by different eyes than mine." Sometimes it is really clear when a painting is done but sometimes it's a little more ambiguous so how do we know when a painting is done? That's the question we are trying to answer in this episode.

Join us this Thursday 3:30 PM EST / 12:30 PM PST live on Facebook to find out how we deal with this particular deadline issue and follow our epic art journey as we send 13 physical panels around the world to create 13 collaborative paintings together.

What is Palimpsest? ‘Something reused or altered but still bearing visible traces of its earlier form.’ Some background info: While the pandemic raged, 7 artists from 4 different countries formed a special virtual friendship and embarked on an epic art journey together. By sending physical panels around the world, we will create a series of original artworks, with each artist adding a layer in their own distinct medium and style. This will result in 85 layers divided between 13 paintings. We started our test run in December and we would like to invite you to join us every Thursday at 3:30 PM EST for a weekly live event where we will share our stories and experiences while we create this epic project together. What to expect? In-depth artist interviews, live unboxings, live Q&A’s, studio tours, guest interviewers and speakers, lively discussions and all the ups and downs we face along the way! More information at: http://www.internationalartalliance.org The International Art Alliance is sponsored by @Masterpakusa https://masterpak-usa.com #Masterpakusa #TitanStrongBox The International Art Alliance is: Cheryl Willcox; https://www.facebook.com/cherylwillcoxart https://www.instagram.com/cherylwillcoxart/ https://cherylwillcoxart.com Lara Spadetto; https://www.facebook.com/laraspadettoart https://www.instagram.com/lara.spadetto/ https://laraspadettoart.shop Rose L. Williams; https://www.facebook.com/Roselwilliamsarts https://www.instagram.com/rose_l_williams/ https://www.roselwilliamsarts.com/about Ross C Berman; https://www.facebook.com/RossCBerman.Art.Illustration https://www.instagram.com/chailifegallery/ www.chailifegallery.com Stephanie McLean; https://www.facebook.com/McLeanPaints https://www.instagram.com/stephaniemclean_art/ https://www.stephaniemcleanart.ca Denise Buisman Pilger; https://www.facebook.com/TheArtistAbroad/ https://www.instagram.com/theartistabroad/ https://www.artistabroad.com
